Why Detox? |
Our body accumulates different types of toxins everyday through eating, drinking, breathing and some other process such as drugs, chemicals and exposures to toxic environment etc.
Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products.
These toxins cause cell of the body to die faster, causing pre-mature aging and diseases. Our body has organs and systems to detoxify it. But over the years, load of toxins, improper diet and lifestyle, the excretory organs of our body fails to function at its best, leaving us lethargic, weak immune system, and caught by diseases leading to early and painful death.
Through proper detoxification, we can significantly reduce the load of toxins, prevent diseases, slow down the aging process and Enjoy a Disease Free Longer and Healthier Life.
The Ion Cleanse creates a similar environment as a walk along a beach, only more powerful, because your feet are in direct contact with the ions being made in the water.
The Ion Cleanse footbath sessions will support any cleansing modality and may even reduce the discomfort associated with rapid detoxification. Repeated sessions improve the results.